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The Deputies of Color ( the “DOC”) is an umbrella group of diocesan elected deputies who identify with the four ethnic groups that are represented in the Presiding Bishops Office of Ethnic Missioners: the Indigenous Ministries, the Latino Ministries, the Asiamerica Ministries, and the African Descent Ministries. 

Each triennium the DOC gathers and strategizes to ensure that its member organization’s priorities are presented in the form of resolutions that are adopted at The Episcopal Church’s (TEC) upcoming General Convention. We work together in supporting each others resolutions, realizing that there is strength in numbers.


At the 80th General Convention, there were 232 Deputies of Color, which out of approximately 800 Deputies to the general convention represented a voting block of approximately 30%. We also work in tandem with other progressive groups: The Consultation and The LGBTQ+  Caucus.


It is fair to say that many of the social justice and progressive gains that have been made in TEC have resulted from the collaborative work which we bring to bear.


Our Work Is Supported by
The Office of Ethnic Ministries  

© 2023 Deputies of Color Caucus 

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